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The course

Directors of Golf

Christiaan Jonck (Golf Manager), Sybrand van der Spuy (Director), Lazarus Niemand (Shop Assistant) and Athol Dowie (Director)


The Club is represented on the Gauteng North “Grow Golf” forum, which promotes golf among school children and juniors by arranging tournaments and making funds available to individual clubs for the advancement of their juniors.
If you have any questions regarding this initiative, kindly contact :

Athol Dowie
Phone: +27 83 454-9148

Henk Alberts
Phone: +27 82 775-7498


Pretoria Country Club hosts a junior golf program every Monday afternoon during the school term. These sessions take place between 2 and 5 pm in one hour clinics for the various age groups. We currently have children attending between the ages of 6 to 16. Besides teaching that takes place at our practice facility we take the children on the course as well-at this time an effort is made to also teach the basic etiquette and rules of the game.

The cost per semester varies depending on how many Mondays there are but it does work out to approximately R 50 per Monday. For more information please contact:

Athol Dowie
Phone: +27 83 454-9148

Henk Alberts
Phone: +27 82 775-7498


We are proud to announce that we have the biggest Ladies Golf section in Pretoria and enjoy every minute of our busy schedule! We have entered no less than three teams for all the league fixtures through the year.

Our Tuesdays are sacred to us and we normally tee off for an Alliance, ‘Betterball’ or medal competition with a total of more than 40 players joining in. Thursdays we play in the league events organized by Gauteng North Golf Union. If you have an official handicap at PCC, we will make sure you are also included in our draw for a league team, according to availability.

The ladies’ section is involved in the organization of the numerous mixed competitions played on Sundays, and the mixed league. We have been fortunate to have generous sponsorship for our larger competitions, including the Club Championship and the various ladies’ and mixed open days.

We also have an open hand when it comes to charity. We support various Old age homes and children’s homes with our huge Fund raising event, The Smyth Cup Golf day.

Should you have any queries or are in need of more information, please feel free to contact:

Alet Vorster


Bookings can be made in the Pro-shop. For golf lessons contact

Athol Dowie
Phone: +27 83 454-9148

Henk Alberts
Phone: +27 82 775-7498

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